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San Antonio, Texas, 78212
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About us

About Us

C Strategic Solutions was founded under the principle of doing what is helpful and best to our neighbor. To serve one another, and we do this with great please. Our goal is to provide superior customer service experience. Our goal is to advocate for our clients by assisting them in finding the correct protection for their individual and family needs.

C Strategic Solutions has over 20 years’ experience in the healthcare industry, and 10 years in the retail and customer service industries.

Our mission to provide a superior customer service experience.

A San Antonio, Texas Organization est. 2023

C Strategic Solutions Core Values

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Leadership
  • Loyalty
  • Compassion
  • Servants Heart
  • Ambition
  • Vision
  • Know your “Why”

Our mission is to provide a superior customer service experience.

A San Antonio, Texas Organization est. 2023

Our Insurance Offerings:

Click the link below for more information on Medicare.

Health insurance is crucial for your well-being and financial stability. We provide a range of health insurance options, including individual, family, and group policies, designed to meet your unique healthcare needs.

Protect your vehicle and yourself on the road with our comprehensive auto insurance policies. We offer customizable coverage options, including liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage, so you can drive with confidence, knowing you're protected.

Life insurance is all about providing peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones in the event of your passing. We offer various types of life insurance, including term life, whole life, and universal life insurance. Our team of experienced agents will help you choose the perfect coverage that fits your family's financial goals and budget.

Running a business comes with its share of risks. Safeguard your enterprise with our business insurance solutions. We offer coverage for a wide range of business types, including liability insurance, property insurance, workers' compensation, and more. Let us help you secure your business's future.

Your home is one of your most significant investments. We offer homeowners and renters insurance to protect your property and personal belongings. Our policies also cover liability protection, ensuring that you're financially protected in case of accidents on your property.

Flooding can cause devastating damage to your property. Our flood insurance policies are designed to provide you with essential coverage to protect your home and possessions from the destructive forces of water. Don't wait until it's too late; secure your peace of mind with flood insurance.

Our four-legged friends are like family, and they deserve the best care. Our pet insurance policies help cover veterinary expenses, ensuring your pets receive the necessary medical attention when they need it.

Ready to discuss your options? Schedule your consultation now.

Your Trusted Partner for Comprehensive Insurance Solutions.

C Strategic Solutions has over 20 years’ experience in the healthcare industry, and 10 years in the retail and customer service industries.

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(10am - 05 pm)